Short Draws

Short Draw

Hi all,

Let's get a discussion rolling about the current status of short draws in chess. I define short draw as a draw under 30 moves for this discussion. I want some constructive discussion here, and not a plethora of whining and crying. If you have a SUGGESTION, articulate it. If you seek to just slam GM's for short draws, save your fingers the work as I will delete any post that does not make at least one suggestion to resolve the *growing* problem of the short GM draw in chess. Also, be sure that RULE CHANGES as to how the game is played are not acceptable as we all know that is not going to happen. The Rules of Chess are firm and unwavering, including threefold repetition.

For me, the short draw short-changes the viewing public in two ways. First, we are robbed of ideas and strategies that need to be pursued in even/near-equal positions from some of the finest players in the game. Second, in allowing short draws, sponsors may feel they are not getting their money's worth from the Chess Athletes they invite to these high-profile, invitational tournaments. Please note: INVITATIONAL. I have NO PROBLEM with short draws in tournaments where you are footing the bill, so this does not apply to your run of the mill Weekender.

I personally believe no offer of a draw should be allowed prior to the 31st move. This means both players must make 30 moves on board before either can offer a draw.

Let me hear your ideas!


Anonymous said…
Kill Nigel. :)
I think the only solution is the so-called Sofia-rules, no draw offers whatsoever! Otherwise you still get the 30-move theoretical opening arranged draws. But if GM's want to draw, they will find a way to an early threefold repetition, although I have not seen one in the M-Tel tournament.
One idea I've seen somewhere is to make wins worth more than a single point. You still get half a point for a draw but you get 1.25 for a win, for example. Of course, this upsets the apple cart in other ways, and it might be argued that it would result in more, not fewer, draws.

There is also an idea drawn from elimination tournaments that you lose half a life on a draw. So in a double-elimination tournament, four draws and you're out. This doesn't translate well into Swiss system play, though.
Gravity said…
How do people feel about no-draw chess until the ifrst time control? For instance, if the time control is 40/2 G30, then 40 moves are required by both sides prior to any draw offers or repetitions.

Tom Chivers said…
I have my own solution to this problem.

In a nutshell, it's if you play out a short, quick draw - you have to reverse colours and play another game, and keeping on doing this until most of the time control is used up.

Actually that nutshell is slightly inaccurate, but it gives you the idea. I go into more detail on my own blog, here:
Anonymous said…
When I sit down at the chessboard I resolve to play the game through, win or lose. The only exception is when a draw will get me a first place.
I'm not perfect, but I try to adhere to this philosphy as much as possible.

Chessplayer in Illinois

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